This website is to provide information on free/low-cost public health resources
for youths transitioning out of the foster-care/probation system.

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In This Section:
Preventing Abuse and Violence
You have the right to be treated with respect.
You have the right to live in peace and safety. No one has the right to abuse you physically, sexually, or emotionally.
Whatever may have had happened to you, it is not your fault. There is nothing wrong with you
You are a survivor, even if you may sometimes be scared or angry or resentful – you have every right to have those feelings.
It doesn’t mean that you are helpless and alone. There are trustworthy people who want to help you and you have the
ability to make changes in your life.
You can refuse to be treated badly. You can choose to contact trustworthy people and tell them your story. You
can accept help from trained professionals. You can receive respect and love and kindness from the people you
choose to have in your life.
If you are in trouble, help is on its way – just reach out to the resources and organizations that specialize in
helping teens. There are people who care about you. Talk to your friends and trusted adults.
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Bullying is unwanted, aggressive action that comes
from a real or imaginary difference in power. The action can be repeated over time. Both kids who are bullied and
who bully others may have serious, lasting problems.
Bullying includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally,
and excluding someone from a group on purpose.
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Help for Bullying
Bullying is a serious problem. This website was
created by the government for adults and young people.
National Bullying Prevention Center: Teens Against Bullying
Cyberbullying Research Center
The center studies cyberbullying or e-bullying and provides information to parents, professionals who work with teens, and young people.
Teen Line
A group of mental health professionals created a toll-free teen-to-teen hotline with community outreach services.
You can call or text with a peer counselor in the evenings.
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Gang Violence
Homicide is the 2nd leading cause of death in the US for people between the ages of 15-24. It is the leading cause of
death for black males. One of the reasons for this is gang violence.
Transitioning from foster care to independent living is already challenging and complicated – you face more stress and
risk than other young people. To build a healthy and successful future, fill your life with positive things. Keep
working on your plan for transitioning out of foster care. Focus on your schoolwork. Find a good job. Think about
what you’d like to accomplish in the future. Stick around with friends who are making good choices in their lives.
Talk to trusted adults when you need help or advice.
To report violence, call 911.
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Stack the Odds in Your Favor, Stay Away From Gangs
Homeboy Industries
Homeboy Industries does intake for programs and services in person only. No appointment is necessary, no need for
referral from your social worker. Go directly to the Homeboy Industries office. When you arrive, you will fill
out a form to show which programs and services interest you. After a short wait in the lobby, you will meet with
a Homeboy Industries staff member.
Programs and Services:
Employment Services and Job Readiness
Education and Curriculum Programs
Tattoo Removal
Domestic Violence Prevention Program
Mental Health Services
Hours: Monday - Friday, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Address: 130 W. Bruno St., Los Angeles, CA 90012
Phone: (323) 526-1254
Gang Intervention & Prevention Programs in Los Angeles
National Institute of Justice - Changing Course: Preventing Youth from Joining Gangs,
Executive Summary

The book Changing Course was written for community organizations and leaders. Reading the executive summary,
the short version, might help you to understand why you should avoid gangs.
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Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Violence
There are many types of violence and abuse. No matter who the abuser is, you have the right to feel safe and be treated with respect.
Intimate partner violence can happen between heterosexual or LGBT couples that may or may not be having sex.
This kind of violence includes physical, sexual, or psychological harm. It also includes abuse from former partners.
Sexual violence includes sexual harassment, sexual assault, and rape. The perpetrator may be a stranger,
acquaintance, friend, family member, or intimate partner.
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Love and Respect Yourself First.
Love is Respect
National Dating Abuse Helpline
Phone: (866) 331-9474 Text: 77054
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Phone: (800) 799-SAFE (7233)
Los Angeles County Department of Public Health Intimate Violence Prevention
Center for Disease Control Violence Prevention
Dating Matters: Intimate Partner Violence for Teens
Short-term and long-term emergency shelter for domestic violence victims.
24 hour Hotline: (310) 264-6644
National Sexual Assault Hotline
Phone: (800) 656 - HOPE (4673)
National Sexual Violence Resource Center
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Sexual Exploitation and Human Trafficking
Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery. Sexual exploitation could involve street or gang-based prostitution,
work at a strip club, sex acts for a fee, pornographic videos, or internet advertisements for sex. The average age of
children forced into the sex industry in the U.S. is 12 years old.
According to federal law, an underage victim of trafficking does not have to prove that they were tricked or violently
forced into sexual exploitation to be considered a victim.
In Los Angeles County, nearly 60% of youths arrested for prostitution were in foster care at some time. These youths
are not acting on their own free will to become prostitutes — they are victims of emotional, physical, and sexual
If you or someone you know is being forced to participate in any activity and cannot leave — whether it is
prostitution, housework, farm work, construction, factory, retail, or restaurant work, or any other activity.
Remember that no matter what happens, this is not your fault and there is someone out there to help you.
Always call 911 in an emergency.
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You Are Not Someone's Property. You Belong to Yourself.
National Trafficking Resource Center
Phone: 1-888-3737-888 - Toll Free Text: BeFree (233733)
The hotline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can call if you need help for yourself or for someone
who needs resources in your local area. If you’re in a place where you cannot safely make a phone call, you can
send a text anytime.
Additional information, including additional hotline numbers from other organizations
Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking (CAST)
Phone: (213) 365-1906 - General Information
Emergency 24-hour Hotline: (888) KEY-2-FREEDOM or (888) 539-2373
The work of this local organization is similar to the National Trafficking Resource Center.
They’re located in Los Angeles.
Address: 5042 Wilshire Blvd., #586, Los Angeles CA 90036
Email: info@castla.org
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Need a Place to Rest? Find a Drop-In-Center.
Mary Magdalene Project Drop In Center
Women, men, and transgender people are all welcome to the Drop-In Centers. The Drop-In Center provides programs,
services and case management. You can get some food, hygiene products, clothing, and condoms when you drop in or
come for a workshop.
You can also sign up for workshops, where you can talk to others who are exiting “the Life”. No one will pressure
you to make any changes until you are ready. When you are ready, they will support you. To sign up for a workshop,
call to make an intake appointment. You will make some goals and a plan for case management. Then you can attend
workshops when it is convenient and meet with your case manager.
Main Location: 136 Haskell Ave., Suite 125, Van Nuys.
Hours: Call Monday-Friday, 9am to 4pm.
Phone: (818) 988-4970
Email: info@mmp.org
Satellite Location: 7901 S. Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90044
This location is new and hours are limited. Call the main location for information.
Restoration Diversion Services
The Drop-in Center offers a place to pick up some food, clothing, condoms, and toiletries. They also offer
counseling, HIV testing, toiletries, STD/STI educational materials, GED preparation, and additional resources
based on your needs to help you get off the streets.
Workshops are also available. The program is the same as the one delivered by the Mary Magdalene Project but the
location of the meetings is at RDS. Call RDS for the workshop schedule.
Supportive Services are provided to workshop participants and visitors to the Drop-In Center. Supportive Services
include: mental health, anger management, parenting, domestic violence, GED preparation, substance and alcohol
abuse, computer access, mentoring, job preparation, shelter referrals, and STD/STI workshops.
Hours: Monday: 10am-5pm
Wednesday: 12pm-5pm
Friday: 10am-5pm
Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday: By appointment only
Address: 208 N. Long Beach Blvd., Compton, CA 90221
Phone: (310) 639-1695
LA Gay and Lesbian Center
The Youth Center on Highland
Operated by the L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center, the Youth Center is a welcoming and comfortable space where you can stay
the night (depending on availability) while getting whatever assistance you need to make it on your own, including
education and job placement assistance.
Case managers will work with you to provide whatever care, support and counsel you may need and if for some reason
they can’t help you, they will refer to an organization that can.
Services include:
Emergency overnight beds
Employment program |
Breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks
Counseling and support groups |
Housing referrals |
Clothing and laundry services
Recreational activities |
GED Program
Art/music groups |
HIV Testing and counseling
Computer lab |
Address: 1220 N. Highland Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90038
Phone: (323) 860-2280 or (888) 255-2429 - Toll Free
For Appointment with a Caseworker: (323) 993-7500
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If you or someone you know is feeling hopeless, helpless, and having thoughts of suicide, call one of the help lines
below. They provide 24 hour crisis counseling and mental health referrals.
The following signs may mean someone is at risk for suicide. The risk of suicide is greater if a behavior is a) new
or has increased and b) if it seems related to a painful event, loss, or change. If you or someone you know exhibits
any of these signs, seek help as soon as possible by calling any of the numbers below. You can also talk to a doctor,
social worker, or a trusted adult.
- Talking about wanting to die or to kill themselves
- Looking for a way to kill themselves, such as searching online or buying a gun
- Talking about feeling hopeless or having no reason to live
- Talking about feeling trapped or in unbearable pain
- Talking about being a burden to others
- Increasing the use of alcohol or drugs
- Acting anxious or agitated; behaving recklessly
- Sleeping too little or too much
- Withdrawing or isolating themselves
- Showing rage or talking about seeking revenge
- Displaying extreme mood swings
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Do You Have Thoughts About Suicide? Call a Help Line.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Phone: (800) 273-TALK or (800) 273-8255
Trevor Youth Suicide Helpline
A national 24-hour suicide prevention helpline for gay and questioning youth.
Phone: (866) 4-U-Trevor or (866) 488-7386
California Youth Crisis Line
Provides 24-hour counseling service, information and referrals for all areas of California regarding
medical services, shelters, crisis centers, AIDS testing, and transportation info.
Phone: (800) 843-5200
Provides 24-hour information, referrals and assistance to any youth in crisis.
Phone: (800) 999-9999
National Runaway Switchboard
Provides 24-hour assistance, information, and referrals to youth who have run away and for other youth in crisis.
Phone: (800) RUNAWAY or (800) 786-2929
Didi Hirsch Suicide Hotline
Phone: (877) 7CRISIS
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Links: More HealthyTransitionsLA.org Resources
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