Community Health Education and Linkages (CHEL)

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Health Education Administration coordinates the Department of Public Health's Speakers' Bureau.

We are able to facilitate requests for speakers on numerous health topics, such as:

  • Hands Only CPR Training

  • Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)

  • Fentanyl and Responding to Overdose

  • Nutrition

  • And more. For a complete list of topics, see question 10 on the request form.

Please note: Hands Only CPR Training is NOT a certified course; participants will NOT receive a CPR card. The training is designed to take about 10 minutes to train a small group of people. To request a presentation, fill out the request form.

IMPORTANT: All Speakers Bureau presentations have been prepared for general community audiences.

Presentations are fulfilled on a first-come, first-served basis. Submitting a request does not guarantee that a presenter can attend your event. However, submitting your request three or more weeks in advance will improve our ability to accommodate your needs. You will receive an e-mail or phone call accepting or declining your invitation within 7-10 business days of submitting the request. You will also receive a confirmation number for request tracking purposes.


For more information on the Speakers' Bureau, please contact HEA at (213)-288-7270 or at

If you'd like to access educational materials for your event, please visit our Educational Materials page.

Click here for the Speakers' Bureau flyer.

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Los Angeles County Seal: Enriching lives through effective and caring services