Did you know?

Bad smells and dust, dirt, or debris in the air can come from many different places. Some smells can cause immediate health symptoms like headache and nausea. Other times a bad smell can be caused by other potentially dangerous conditions. Dust and other materials in the air can cause eye, nose, and throat irritation and even trigger an asthma attack.

Important: If you smell gas (a sulfur or skunk-like smell), you should immediately call the local natural gas provider. Most people in LA County receive gas from SoCal Gas and should call 800-427-2200

Report Bad Smells and Dust

The South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) has a crew of professional inspectors who can investigate bad smells, also called odors, and dust in the air to find out what is causing them. Often the only way SCAQMD knows that there is a problem is if people in the community call to report it. Help SCAQMD keep our air safe by reporting bad smells and dust in your area.

You can report odors and dust to SCAQMD online or by calling 800-CUT-SMOG. Read SCAQMD's guide to reporting air quality problems and learn how SCAQMD handles reports from the community. English | Español

If you live in the Antelope Valley you can visit Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District (AVAQMD) website or call 661-723-8070 for more information about AVAQMD

Tips on Reporting

It is helpful to call as soon as you notice the problem. If you are reporting an odor, you will be asked to describe the odor, what you think is causing the odor, and provide other details that might help inspectors to find out where the smell is coming from. You should encourage neighbors who also smell the odor to call as well. You may want to keep your own log of odors you report to the local air agency.

Follow the links below for more information on how to describe bad smells and for other tips on reporting bad smells in your community.

Contact Us

Monday - Friday
8:00am - 5:00pm

Tel: 1-888-700-9995
Email: ehmail@ph.lacounty.gov

County of Los Angeles Public Health
Environmental Health
Community Protection Branch
5050 Commerce Drive
Baldwin Park, CA 91706