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Last Update: April 2024
The California Retail Food Code (CRFC) defines a "Mobile Food Facility" (MFF) as any vehicle used in conjunction with a commissary or other permanent food facility upon which food is sold or distributed at retail. The California Legislature recently passed legislation that created a new type of Mobile Food Facility, called a Compact Mobile Food Operation (CMFO). The Department of Public Health (DPH), as the local enforcement agency, is required to provide regulation oversight of these food facilities.
A copy of this Mobile Food Facility Inspection Guide is available on the Environmental Health (EH) website:
Mobile Food Facility Inspection Guide
This guide is intended to assist the Environmental Health Specialist (EHS) and Mobile Food Facility and Compact Mobile Food Operations business operators in understanding the inspection process. It guides the EHS in documenting the Mobile Food Facility Official Inspection Report to identify violations and record observations.
This guide may not address all circumstances or violations that may be observed in the field during the inspection, but in those cases where an operator does not understand the observed violation, the EHS will remain approachable to discuss the violation and provide an opportunity to educate the business operator on the public health significance of a requirement.
This guide is subject to change. As such, the Division will make every effort to update the guide and inform industry stakeholders of significant changes in a timely manner.
If you have questions regarding the inspection process, violations marked on the inspection report, actions taken by an EHS, or any applicable law or regulation, please contact the
Mobile Food Program
(626) 430-5500.
For questions regarding mobile food facility construction approval, please contact the
Plan Check Program
(626) 430-5560.
Commissary means a food facility that services Mobile Food Facilities, mobile support units, or vending machines where any of the following occur: (a) food containers or supplies are stored, (b) food is prepared or prepackaged for sale or service at other locations. (c) Utensils are cleaned. (d) Liquid and or solid wastes are disposed and provides potable water to refill holding tanks.
Compact Mobile Food Operation means a Mobile Food Facility that operates from an individual or from a pushcart, stand, display, pedal-driven cart, wagon, showcase, rack, or other nonmotorized conveyance.
Compact Mobile Food Operation - Low Risk means an individual, stand, showcase, rack, display, pushcart, peddle driven cart, wagon, or other non-motorized conveyance approved for the sale and display of more than 25 square feet of prepackaged non-potentially hazardous food, and whole, uncooked produce or a pushcart, peddle driven cart, wagon, or other non-motorized conveyance that is approved for sale and display of prepackaged, frozen ice cream bars and frozen fruit bars.
Compact Mobile Food Operation - Moderate Risk means an unenclosed, non-motorized conveyance, such as a pushcart, peddle driven cart, or wagon that is approved for sale and display of prepackaged potentially hazardous foods and/or limited food preparation that does not include raw meat, raw poultry, or raw fish.
Compact Mobile Food Operation - High Risk means an unenclosed, non-motorized conveyance or vehicle, that is approved for limited food preparation as defined CRFC Section 113818, including the preparation of raw meat, raw poultry, or raw fish.
Compact Mobile Food Operation Home Endorsement means an evaluation that grants approval of the private home for the storage of a compact mobile food operation and prepackaged, non-potentially hazardous food and whole produce after a determination that the storage does not pose a public health hazard and the CMFO is stored in a manner that protects the equipment from contamination. A Cottage Food Operation Class B or a private home may be endorsed by the DPH to store up to two (2) Compact Mobile Food Operations.
Mobile Food Facility means any vehicle used in conjunction with a commissary or other permanent food facility upon which food is sold or distributed at retail. Mobile Food Facility does not include a transporter used to transport packaged food from a food facility, or other approved sources to the consumer.
Mobile Support Unit means a vehicle used in conjunction with a commissary or other permanent food facility, that travels to, and services, mobile food facilities as needed to replenish supplies, including food and potable water, clean the interior of the unit, or dispose of liquid or solid wastes.
Single Operating Site Mobile Food Facilities means at least one, but not more than four, unenclosed Mobile Food Facilities, and their auxiliary units, that operate adjacent to each other at a single location.
Every food vehicle or CMFO must qualify for a permit to operate and must be evaluated and inspected before selling food to the public. All new food vehicles and CMFO carts must go through the Plan Check process for approval.
For general information on obtaining a Public Health Permit, visit the DPH EH website and select the "Get a Public Health Permit/License" icon.
For detailed information on how to obtain a permit for a new, custom built CMFO, change the ownership of a previously permitted CMFO or a obtain a permit for a CMFO that was built to an approved Standard Plan, please visit the DPH EH Sidewalk Food Vending page.
Additional resources for obtaining a permit for a food truck can be found on the
DPH EH Food Truck page.
All applications and forms can be found on the
DPH EH website, Get a Permit page.
The Mobile Food Facility Official Inspection Report (MFFOIR) is the official document that is used by the inspector to mark the violations observed during an inspection. Our goal is to fairly represent the compliance status of the food vehicle or food operation at the time of the inspection.
For each inspection category on the report, the inspector is required to select the applicable compliance status.
The Reference Guide follows the three (3) sections of the MFFOIR, depicted on the following:
Critical Risk Factors would be marked if high risk violations are observed. A violation in this section can be considered major, with a 4 point deduction or minor, with a 2 point deduction. A major violation poses an imminent health hazard that warrants immediate correction and may require closure of the food facility. A minor violation does not pose an imminent health hazard but does warrant correction.
Please note, if two or more major Critical Risk Violations are marked, an additional three (3) points will be deducted from the mobile food facility inspection score. If the mobile food facility's permit is suspended due to no water available, sewage, or vermin infestation, an additional seven (7) points will be deducted for each of the three specified closure types marked.
Good Retail Practices would be marked for low risk violations that do not require an immediate action. Violations observed in this category result in a 1 point deduction.
Compliance & Enforcement would be marked to identify an action of the Health Inspector such as a sample is collected, or food equipment is impounded.
Within each of the three sections are violation categories. Each violation category is further divided into subcategories. It is these subcategories that are the focus of this reference guide. Samples of possible violations that would warrant marking a subcategory are described.
This category is marked when the Person in Charge (PIC) or food workers are not able to demonstrate food safety knowledge. PIC and food workers shall be knowledgeable and be properly trained in the following areas:
The PIC shall have adequate knowledge of food allergens, food identified as major allergens, and symptoms that a major food allergen could cause. The following are recognized as the major food allergens:
A highly refined oil (ex. Peanut oil) derived from one of the above is not included in the definition of a major food allergen as the refining process removes the allergen particles.
PIC may answer questions with the use of job aids (posters, SOP's, cue cards, etc.).
Authority: California Retail Food Code, Sections: 113947
This category is marked when there is not at least one owner or food worker with a valid Certified Food Protection Manager (CFPM) certificate or when only person with a CFPM is the CFPM at another food facility. This category is also marked if all food workers do not have a Food Handler Card.
If a food facility prepares, handles, or serves non-prepackaged potentially hazardous foods, (except Temporary Food Facilities and Compact Mobile Food Operations) then at least one person, the owner or a food worker, must have a Certified Food Protection Manager certificate. In addition, all food workers that handle or have the responsibility of handling non-prepackaged potentially hazardous foods must have a Food Handler Card.
This category is marked N/O either if there is no Certified Food Protection Manager and 60 days have not elapsed or a food worker lacks a food handler card and 30 days have not elapsed.
This category is marked N/A if the facility does not prepare, handle, or serve non-prepackaged potentially hazardous foods.
Authority: California Retail Food Code, Sections: 113947.1, 113947.2, 113948
This category is marked when a food worker does not inform the Person-In-Charge (PIC) of an illness, or a wound on hands, wrists, or exposed parts of the arm and food worker does not comply with restrictions / exclusions.
"illness" includes a condition caused by any of the following infectious agents: Salmonella typhi, Salmonella spp., Shigella spp., Entamoeba histolytica, Enterohemorrhagic or shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli, Hepatitis A virus, Norovirus, or other communicable diseases that are transmissible through food.
A food worker is required to report to the PIC when he/she has been diagnosed with an "illness" or has an open lesion on the hands, wrists, or exposed portion of the arms. The food facility may be closed until, in the opinion of the Enforcement Agency, identified danger of disease outbreak has been addressed.
If two (2) or more major critical risk violations are marked, category # 56 (Multiple Major Critical Violations/Increased Risk to Public Health) is also marked and additional three (3) points will be deducted.
Authority: California Retail Food Code, Sections: 113949.1, 113949.2, 113949.4, 113949.5, 113950, 113950.5, 113973(a), 113975
This category is marked when food worker is persistently sneezing, coughing, or has a runny nose.
This item is marked N/O for food facilities only in the RARE case when there are no food workers present at the time of inspection.
Authority: California Retail Food Code, Sections: 113947
This category shall be marked when a food worker is eating, drinking, etc. in areas where contamination of non-prepackaged food can result.
This category is marked N/O for retail operations only in the RARE case when there are no food workers present at the time of inspection.
A food worker may drink from a closed beverage container if the container is handled to prevent contamination of workers hands, the container, non-prepackaged food, and food-contact surfaces. In general, a food worker beverage container should not be placed on or directly above a food-contact surface.
Authority: California Retail Food Code, Sections: 113967, 113977
This category shall be marked Major when food workers fail to wash their hands as required or improperly use single-use gloves.
If two (2) or more major critical risk violations are marked, category # 56 (Multiple Major Critical Violations/Increased Risk to Public Health) is also marked and additional three (3) points will be deducted.
This category shall be marked Minor for improper use single-use gloves.
When a food facility does not have a handwashing sink and the food facility was constructed or remodeled prior to January 1996, the food facility may use the 1st compartment of the ware-washing sink to wash their hands.
This category is marked N/O for retail operations only in the RARE case when there are no food workers present at the time of inspection.
Authority: California Retail Food Code, Sections: 113952, 113953.1, 113953.3, 113953.4, 113961, 113967, 113968, 113973(b-f), 114125
This category shall be marked when handwashing facilities are insufficient in number, in an unapproved location, improperly installed, inaccessible, and/or not supplied with soap/hand towels.
Authority: California Retail Food Code, Sections: 113953, 113953.1, 113953.2, 114067(f), 114306(a), 114311, 114314
This category is marked when potentially hazardous food (PHF) is not received/stored/held at the specified holding temperatures.
If two (2) or more major critical risk violations are marked, category # 56 (Multiple Major Critical Violations/Increased Risk to Public Health) is also marked and additional three (3) points will be deducted.
For improper holding violations use the Food Temperature Holding Chart below.
Time in Temp. Danger Zone (TDZ) | Food Temperature Holding Chart | ||
42°F to 49°F | 50°F to 130°F | 131°F to 134°F | |
<2 hrs | Cool to 41°F or below within 2 hrs | PHF must be disposed | Reheat to 165°F within 2 hrs |
2 - 3 hrs | Cool to 41°F or below within 1 hr | PHF must be disposed | |
3 - 4 hrs | Immediately cool to 41°F or below | ||
>4 hrs | PHF must be disposed |
Authority: California Retail Food Code, Sections: 113996, 113998, 114037,114343(a), 114429, 114429.3, 114429.5, California Health & Safety Code 111223
This category shall be marked when a food facility is using Time as a Public Health Control (TPHC) and requirements are not met.
If two (2) or more major critical risk violations are marked, category # 56 (Multiple Major Critical Violations/Increased Risk to Public Health) is also marked and additional three (3) points will be deducted.
Time as a public health control cannot be used for raw eggs in a licensed health facility, or in a public or private school.
Authority: California Retail Food Code, Sections: 114000
This category is marked when food is not cooled by one of the approved methods.
If two (2) or more major critical risk violations are marked, category # 56 (Multiple Major Critical Violations/Increased Risk to Public Health) is also marked and additional three (3) points will be deducted.
The corrective actions will depend on the time & temperature parameters while food is in the cooling process:
When this category is marked, training shall be provided on proper cooling methods:
Authority: California Retail Food Code, Sections: 114002, 114002.1
This category is marked when raw or incompletely cooked food of plant and animal origin is not cooked to the required temperature / time:
Whenever this violation is marked, training shall be provided on proper cooking temperatures:
If required cooking temperatures are not met, the EHS should have the operator continue cooking the food until the proper temperature is reached. Additionally, the EHS should explain the public health significance of inadequate cooking to PIC and food workers.
If two (2) or more major critical risk violations are marked, category # 56 (Multiple Major Critical Violations/Increased Risk to Public Health) is also marked and additional three (3) points will be deducted.
Authority: California Retail Food Code, Sections: 114004, 114008, 114010, 114014, 114093
This category is marked when PHF is not reheated to at least 165°F for 15 seconds within 2 hours for hot holding and ready-to-eat commercially processed food is not heated to at least 135°F for hot holding.
the reheating of PHF for hot holding:
Non-commercially processed PHF observed between 41°F - 165°F which have exceeded the 2-hour time period allowed for reheating will be disposed.
Food that is reheated for immediate service in response to an individual customer order may be served at any temperature.
Using a unit not designed to reheat food for hot holding has not exceeded time / temperature, ONLY category #37 (Equipment, utensils, and linens: storage and use) is marked.
If two (2) or more major critical risk violations are marked, category # 56 (Multiple Major Critical Violations/Increased Risk to Public Health) is also marked and additional three (3) points will be deducted.
Authority: California Retail Food Code, Sections: 114014, 114016
This category is marked when food is returned by the consumer and the food facility re-serves or offers the food for human consumption.
Containers of non-potentially hazardous foods such as ketchup, steak sauce, or hot sauce can be reused by different customers if the food is protected from contamination and the container is closed between uses. Food in unopened original packages in sound condition such as crackers or sugar can also be re-served.
Authority: California Retail Food Code, Sections: 114079
This category is marked when food is intentionally or unintentionally contaminated/adulterated. The following examples of major violations require food disposal or impoundment. In the event of securing evidence, consult supervision.
Food shall be disposed of in all cases, except when ground sirloin, ground round, or hamburger exceed 30% fat or ground pork exceeds 50% fat. The operator shall be allowed to add lean meat and regrind to meet fat content limits.
If two (2) or more major critical risk violations are marked, category # 56 (Multiple Major Critical Violations/Increased Risk to Public Health) is also marked and additional three (3) points will be deducted.
Authority: California Retail Food Code, Sections: 113967, 113976, 113980, 113988, 113990, 114035, 114094.5, 114041,114254.3, 114355; California Code of Regulations, Title 17, Section 13675; Sherman Food, Drug, And Cosmetic Law, Article 6, Section 110805
This category is marked when food contact surfaces and multiservice utensils are not properly cleaned and sanitized.
Food-contact Surfaces
Manual Warewashing
If a manual warewashing sanitizing violations is marked, training must be provided on the manual sanitizing process, required sanitizer concentration, contact time during manual sanitization:
Mechanical Ware-washing
If two (2) or more major critical risk violations are marked, category # 56 (Multiple Major Critical Violations/Increased Risk to Public Health) is also marked and additional three (3) points will be deducted.
Food-Contact Surfaces
Manual Ware-washing
Mechanical Ware-washing
This item is marked N/O if there are no cleaning and sanitizing operations taking place at the time of inspection. However, the EHS should ask how food-contact surfaces are cleaned and sanitized to ensure they are using appropriate methods.
This item is marked N/A if no open foods are handled.
If a food facility is unable to properly clean and sanitize equipment or utensils by the end of the inspection, then the EHS will suspend the permit. Closure is not necessary for prepackaged facility scooping ice without a utensil washing sink. Food facility will be allowed to revert prepackage only.
Authority: California Retail Food Code, Sections: 113984(e), 114097, 114099, 114099.1, 114099.2, 114099.4, 114099.6, 114099.7, 114101, 114105, 114109, 114111, 114113, 114115, 114117, 114118, 114121, 114125(b), 114141, 114185
This category is marked when food is not obtained from an approved source and when egg products and frozen milk products are not obtained pasteurized.
If two (2) or more major critical risk violations are marked, category # 56 (Multiple Major Critical Violations/Increased Risk to Public Health) is also marked and additional three (3) points will be deducted.
When invoice copies are not available to verify the source of the PHF item during the inspection, category #16 (Food obtained from approved source - Major) is marked, food item is red tagged, and a Compliance Review notice is issued. If the source cannot be verified at the Compliance Review, then the food is disposed.
Authority: California Retail Food Code, Sections: 113980, 114021, 114023, 114024, 114025, 114027, 114029, 114031,114035, 114041(b)
This category is marked when the food facility does not comply with raw gulf oyster requirements which includes, written warning signs and verification letter.
Authority: California Retail Food Code, Sections: 113707, 114090; Title 17 CA Code of Regulations § 13675
This category is marked when a food facility does not have a HACCP plan for specialized processes, does not have a HACCP plan approved by the California Department of Public Health for required activities, or violates the conditions of a HACCP plan or variance.
This item is marked N/A if the facility is not required by the regulatory authority to have a variance or HACCP plan.
ROP food is not required to have a HACCP plan if the food facility complies with the following standards with respect to packaging the ROP food: The food is labeled with the production time and date; the food is held at 41°F or lower during refrigerated storage; the food is removed from its package in the food facility within 48 hours after packaging.
Authority: California Retail Food Code, Sections: 114039.5, 114057, 114057.1, 114067, 114417-114417.7, 114419-114423
This category is marked when a food facility does not provide a consumer advisory (in writing with a disclosure and reminder) when serving raw or undercooked food.
Disclosure - is a written statement that clearly includes either of the following:
Reminder - is a written statement that identifies the animal-derived FOODs by an asterisk that denotes a footnote that includes either of the following disclosure statements:
This category is marked N/A when the food facility does not serve raw/undercooked animal foods.
Authority: California Retail Food Code, Sections: 114012, 114093-114093.1
This category is marked when hot water temperature measures below 120°F at food preparation/ware-washing/janitorial sinks or water temperature at handwashing sink is less than 100°F or exceeds 108°F.
A mobile food facility that prepares food shall not operate if there is no hot water (below 100°F). The mobile food facility shall voluntarily cease operation immediately and remain closed until hot water is restored. If found operating and hot water is not available, the EHS will suspend the permit to operate until hot water is available. When hot water is restored, the food facility's permit will be re-instated by the EHS prior to the food facility operating.
If there is no hot water (below 100°F) available to the entire food facility and this cannot be immediately corrected (e.g., relighting a pilot light) by the end of the inspection, the EHS shall suspend the permit. If only prepackaged food is handled, the operation may be allowed to continue, (not to exceed 24 hours) to repair or install a new water heater.
If two (2) or more major critical risk violations are marked, category # 56 (Multiple Major Critical Violations/Increased Risk to Public Health) is also marked and additional three (3) points will be deducted.
Authority: California Retail Food Code, Sections: 113941, 113953(c), 114099.2 (b), 114192, 114195(b)
This category is marked when no potable water is available throughout a food facility with open food. MFFs and CMFOs selling only pre-packaged foods are not required to have potable water.
A mobile food facility that prepares food shall not operate if there is no water or the water supply is contaminated. The mobile food facility shall cease operation immediately and remain closed until potable water is restored. If found operating, the EHS will suspend the permit to operate until a potable supply of water is available. The EHS will ensure that any food items prepared using non-potable water are disposed of and ice machines are cleaned and sanitized.
If a facility's permit is suspended for no water available, sewage, vermin infestation or lack of a commissary contract, eleven (11) points will be deducted for each of the specified closure types marked.
Authority: California Retail Food Code, Sections: 114189, 114192, 114192.1, 114195(a)
This category is marked when sewage/wastewater/liquid waste is not properly disposed of through an approved plumbing system.
If a facility's permit is suspended for no water available, sewage, vermin infestation or lack of a commissary contract, eleven (11) points will be deducted for each of the specified closure types marked.
A food facility shall not operate if there is sewage overflowing onto the ground surface or backing up inside the food facility. The food facility shall cease operation immediately and shall remain closed until the sewage disposal system is operational and all contaminated surfaces have been cleaned and sanitized. Any adulterated food product shall be disposed.
If the overflow from the food facility is occurring outside, the source of the discharge must immediately cease. All food preparation must cease, and the food facility must close until the connection to approved sewage disposal has been repaired.
Authority: California Retail Food Code, Sections: 114123, 114197, 114250, 114276(a)
This category is marked when the food facility has vermin and/or a non-service animal present in areas for food preparation, storage, or display.
If a facility's permit is suspended for no water available, sewage, vermin infestation or lack of a commissary contract, eleven (11) points will be deducted for each of the specified closure types marked.
If a vermin infestation is observed at a food facility, the permit shall be suspended, the food facility closed for a minimum of 48 hours, and a Compliance Review issued. The permit shall be reinstated, and the food facility allowed to resume operation only upon verification of complete abatement of the vermin infestation, and appropriate cleaning & sanitizing of all affected areas has been completed. Professional pest control should be utilized to prevent future reoccurrence of a vermin infestation.
Authority: California Retail Food Code, Sections: 114259, 114259.1, 114259.4, 114259.5
This category is marked OUT when a commissary has inadequate facilities for food preparation, food and utensil/equipment storage. This category can also be marked when a mobile support unit or mobile food facility is operating out of an unapproved commissary.
If a facility's permit is suspended for no water available, sewage, vermin infestation or lack of a commissary contract, eleven (11) points will be deducted for each of the specified closure types marked.
Authority: California Retail Food Code, Sections: 114295(a)(c)(d)
This category is marked OUT when Person-In-Charge (PIC) is not present to perform duties during hours of operation.
The permit holder or a person designated by the permit holder is the PIC. The PIC does not have to be the certified food protection manager.
Authority: California Retail Food Code, Sections: 113945, 113945.1, 113984.1, 114063(e), 114075
This category is marked OUT when food workers are not wearing clean outer clothing and/or hair restraints when appropriate.
There are three different requirements regarding hair restraints:
Authority: California Retail Food Code, Sections: 113969, 113971
This category is marked OUT when food is not thawed by one of the approved methods:
When this violation is marked, training shall be provided on proper thawing methods:
Frozen foods shall be removed from their packaging when thawed under running water.
Authority: California Retail Food Code, Sections: 114018, 114020
This category is marked OUT when food is not properly separated/protected/displayed/prepared, so that it is protected from the risk of contamination.
This section addresses preventive measures ONLY. Actual contamination of food is marked in category #14 (Food in good condition, safe and unadulterated).
Bill No. 3336 requires ready-to-eat food delivered through a third-party food delivery platform to be transported in a manner in which the ready-to-eat food is protected from contamination and would require all bags or containers in which ready-to-eat foods are being transported or delivered from a food facility to a customer through a third-party food delivery platform to be closed by the food facility with a tamper-evident method prior to the food deliverer taking possession of the food.
Authority: California Retail Food Code, Sections: 113984(a, b, c, d, e), 113984.1, 113986, 114047, 114049, 114051-114055, 114060, 114063, 114067(d, e), 114069(a, b), 114073, 114077, 114089.1(c), 114143(c), 114145(g)
This category is marked OUT when fruits and vegetables are not washed.
Authority: California Retail Food Code, Sections: 113992
This category is marked OUT when toxic substances are not used in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and improperly stored/ labeled.
Authority: California Retail Food Code, Sections: 114254, 114254.1, 114254.2, 114254.3, 114327(b)(5)
This category is marked OUT when food/food containers are improperly stored.
Authority: California Retail Food Code, Sections: 114047, 114049, 114051, 114053, 114055, 114067(h), 114069(b)
This category is marked OUT when a serving utensil or other approved device or mechanism for dispensing food is missing or not protected from possible contamination.
Authority: California Retail Food Code, Sections: 114063, 114065
This category is marked OUT when consumer foods are improperly labeled and/or falsely advertised.
Menu labeling must include covered food facilities to:
The labeling requirements do not apply to foods that are not standard menu items, including:
Authority: California Retail Food Code, Sections: 110800 114087, 114088, 114089, 114089.1(a, b), 114090, 114093.1, 114094, 114094.5, and Sherman Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Law Section 110370, CFR 21 101.15(c)(2)
This category is marked OUT when non-food contact surfaces of equipment, shelving, and cabinets are not maintained clean.
Authority: California Retail Food Code, Sections: 114115
This category is marked OUT when ware-washing sink/mechanical dishwasher is inoperable/not maintained clean, and missing sanitizer test kit.
Mechanical machine ware-washing shall be accomplished by using an approved machine installed and operated in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications.
Authority: California Retail Food Code, Sections: 114067(f, g), 114099, 114099.3, 114099.5, 114101(a), 114101.1, 114101.2, 114103, 114107, 114125, 114306(c, d) 114313, 114314 (a, b)
This category is marked OUT when food equipment/utensils are not approved, in good repair, and food equipment is not properly installed.
Approved Equipment
Hard maple or equivalent may be used for cutting boards, rolling pins, chopsticks and as specified in Section 114132 (b).
Good Repair
Authority: California Retail Food Code, Sections: 114039.5, 114073, 114099, 114130, 114130.1, 114130.2, 114130.3, 114130.4, 114130.5, 114132, 114133, 114137, 114139, 114153, 114163, 114165, 114167, 114169, 114175,114177, 114180, 114182, 114297, 114323, 114323(g)
This category will be marked OUT when the food facility is using unapproved use of approved equipment and improper storage/use of utensils/linens.
Authority: California Retail Food Code, Sections: 114074, 114075, 114081, 114083, 114119, 114121, 114161, 114172, 114178, 114179, 114185, 114185.2, 114185.3, 114185.4, 114185.5
This category is marked OUT when mechanical ventilation hood over food equipment/general ventilation is disrepair/non-functioning/not maintained clean; improper use or absence of a hood, or improper hood type; and inadequate lighting or lack of required shatterproof lights/light shields.
Authority: California Retail Food Code, Sections: 114149, 114149.1, 114149.2, 114149.3, 114252-114252.1
This category is marked OUT when probe thermometer/thermometers are missing/inaccurate/non-functional.
This requirement does not apply to equipment for which the placement of a temperature measuring device is not practical, such as steam tables and salad bars.
Authority: California Retail Food Code, Sections: 114099.5, 114101.2, 114157, 114159
This category is marked OUT when wiping cloth is improperly used/stored/not maintained in sanitizing solution when necessary.
Sanitizer buckets do not have to be set up in prep areas. They are only required when wiping towels are being re-used. The sanitizing frequency must also be met.
Authority: California Retail Food Code, Sections: 114135, 114185.1, 114185.3(d, e)
This category is marked OUT when compressors inside a mobile food facility is not properly installed or installed in unapproved location.
Authority: California Retail Food Code, Section: 114322
This category is marked OUT when the conveyance of potable water to any sinks and fixtures are leaking/not clean/in disrepair/unapproved.
Authority: California Retail Food Code, Sections: 114171, 114189.1, 114190, 114192, 114192.1, 114193, 114193.1, 114199, 114201, 114217, 114240(e), 114235, 114242, 114269
This category is marked OUT when exterior premises including refuse containers/refuse area is not maintained clean and free from trash accumulation/cast-off items.
Authority: California Retail Food Code, Sections: 114244, 114245, 114245.1-114245.8.
This category is marked OUT for violations involving the toilet facilities.
Food facilities located within amusement parks, stadiums, arenas, food courts, fairgrounds, TFF's and similar premises are not required to provide toilet facilities for employee use within each food facility if approved toilet facilities are located within 200 feet.
Authority: California Retail Food Code, Sections: 114250, 114250.1, 114276(a-e), 118600; 114315 LA County Code Title 11 Section: 11.38.580d and 11.38.570.
This category is marked OUT for violations involving dressing rooms/areas, storage of personal items/cleaning equipment and supplies, and possible entrance of vermin.
Authority: California Retail Food Code, Sections: 114123, 114143(a, b), 114256, 114256.1, 114256.2, 114256.4, 114257,114257.1, 114259, 114259.2, 114259.3, 114279, 114281, 114282, 114323(f)
This category is marked OUT for violations involving the condition (cleanliness/ repair/unapproved type) of walls, ceilings, and floors.
Authority: California Retail Food Code, Sections: 114143(d), 114266, 114268, 114268.1, 114271, 114272, 114257, 114321
This category is marked OUT for violations involving the condition (supply, accessibility, storage) of personal/cleaning items, fire extinguisher, and first aid supplies.
Authority: California Retail Food Code, Sections: 114256.4, 114256, 113977, 114323(a), 114323(e)
This category is marked OUT of compliance for the following:
Authority: California Retail Food Code, Sections: 114299(a, b, c)
This category is marked OUT if any of the following violations are observed:
Authority: California Retail Food Code, Sections: 113725.1, 113953.5, 113978, 114381(e), LA County Code, Sections: 8.04.403, 8.04.785
This category is marked OUT if any of the following violations are observed:
Authority: California Retail Food Code, Sections: 114067, 114381
This item is marked OUT when complete, easily readable plans drawn to scale, for new construction or remodel of a food facility are not submitted prior to construction, or construction of a new food facility or remodel of an existing retail food facility begins prior to plan approval.
Authority: California Retail Food Code, Sections: 114380
This item is marked OUT when EHS collects samples of food for testing at a laboratory or food, photographs, or other evidence, including copies of a HACCP plan and other documents.
Authority: California Retail Food Code, Sections: 114390
This item is marked OUT when EHS impounds (red tag, seizure, or VC&D) food, equipment, or utensils that are found to be, or suspected of being unsanitary or in such disrepair that food, equipment, or utensils may become contaminated or adulterated, or impounds any utensil that is suspected of releasing lead or cadmium.
Within 30 days, the enforcement agency that has impounded the food, equipment, or utensils pursuant to subdivision (a) will commence proceedings to release the impounded materials or to seek administrative or legal remedy for its disposition.
Authority: California Retail Food Code, Sections: 114393
This item is marked OUT when a food facility's permit has been suspended due to imminent health hazard, continued non-compliance or when a food facility is closed for not having a valid Public Health Permit.
Authority: California Retail Food Code, Sections: 114405, 114409
If two (2) or more major critical risk violations are marked, category #56 (Multiple Major Critical Violations/Increased Risk to Public Health) is also marked and additional three (3) points will be deducted.
If a food facility's permit is suspended for no water, sewage, vermin infestation or lack of a commissary contract, AND two or more major critical risk violations are also marked, then category #56 is not marked.
Authority: Major Critical Violations #2, #5, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #13, #14, #15, #20a, #20b, #21, #22.
Follow-up dates are scheduled to ensure the compliance of the facility with the violations cited in the Mobile Food Facility Official Inspection Report (MFFOIR). Compliance dates vary depending on the public health risk associated with the violations observed. Depending on the severity of the violation, frequency of the violation, and the risk for a negative public health impact, either informal or formal enforcement may be taken as an option for gaining compliance.
Violations of local requirements as indicated on the MFFOIR are misdemeanors and may be punishable by a fine of no less than fifty dollars ($50) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000), or imprisonment for no more than six months, or both. Non-Compliance fees or other administrative fines may also be issued.
The EHS shall ensure that all violations cited on the MFFOIR are corrected by the indicated reinspection date. If most violations are corrected or reasonable progress is made, additional time may be granted. However, the owner may be charged for the additional re-inspections.
In the event multiple compliance dates are required, the earliest date shall be documented in the Reinspection Date field on the MFFOIR. For example, if a sewage discharge is observed, which is an emergency violation and requires immediate abatement, the EHS is to document the next calendar day on the Reinspection Date field on the MFFOIR and document the reinspection date for the remaining violations in the "Overall Comments" section on the MFFOIR. When there are multiple compliance dates, the EHS shall document the reinspection date of each violation in the narrative comments of each violation.
Compliance dates can vary depending on the following situations:
Major Critical Risk Factors | Corrective action is required before the end of the inspection. EHS shall schedule a reinspection within 14 days to determine ongoing compliance. |
Repeat Minor Critical Risk Factors and Repeat Good Retail Practices (GRP) | Up to 14 calendar days; however, some violations may require corrective action before the end of the inspection. |
Non-Repeat Minor Critical Risk Factors and GRP | Next routine inspection or 14-30 calendar days depending on the urgency of violations. |
At the reinspection, the EHS shall indicate either:
Note: When a reinspection is to determine compliance with an imminent health hazard (i.e., sewage, no water, vermin closure of a food facility), and the imminent health hazard has been corrected, the reinspection to determine compliance with the remaining violations shall not be chargeable.
For all uncorrected violations, the EHS must evaluate the progress and amount of effort toward compliance before determining the next step. Progress towards compliance will usually warrant consideration of a suitable time extension before taking progressive enforcement. Critical violations must still be corrected as quickly as possible following the initial compliance date.
If the owner fails to make progress towards compliance, the EHS shall take the following progressive enforcement actions:
Revisit | Critical Violations | Non-Critical Violations |
1st | Compliance Review for next day | Schedule 2nd revisit |
2nd | Refer to City/District Attorney for emergency hearing | Schedule Compliance Review |
3rd | Elevate to Branch Director | Refer to City/District Attorney |
Monday - Friday
8:00am - 5:00pm
Tel: (626) 430-5500
Fax: (626) 813-3021
County of Los Angeles Public Health
Environmental Health
Mobile Food Program
5050 Commerce Drive
Baldwin Park, CA 91706-1423