Payment Options

Pay by Credit/Debit Card, Electronic Check

Customers are now able to pay for their Public Health Permits and/or Licenses online using their Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover), Debit Card, and Electronic Check(ECheck). Please note that there is additional convenience fee charge per transaction using online payment. The convenience fee for Credit/Debit Cards is 2.22% with a $1.49 minimum. Electronic Check fees are only $0.49.

Payment Instructions

Supported Browser

Customers may make payments in person at any of Environmental Health's office locations throughout Los Angeles County or by mail. Acceptable forms of payment in-person include Cash, Check, Cashier's Check, or Money Order.

Payments will be accepted between the hours of 8:00 am - 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday.

Cash payments may only be in person, and in the exact amount due. Please note that we are not yet equipped to provide change for cash payments, except for the Cashier's Office at Environmental Health Headquarters in Baldwin Park. We apologize for this inconvenience.

Find an office near you:

Send your Check, Cashier's Check, or Money Order, payable to the County of Los Angeles, to:

Department of Public Health
PO Box 54978
Los Angeles, CA 90054-0978

Write your Account ID number from your billing statement on your payment. Please do not send correspondence to the above address. This address is for payments only. Do not send cash. If you would like to pay in cash, please see instructions for Pay In Person section.

Contact Us

Please do not send payments to the above address. This address is for correspondence only. For mailing a payment, please see Pay By Mail section.