About Public Pool Operations and Maintenances

All readings are in parts per million unless otherwise indicated.

Note: Currently, the legal minimum free chlorine residual in public pools in California is 1.0 ppm for pools not using stabilizer (cyanuric acid) and 2.0 ppm for pools using stabilizer.

  Min. Ideal Max.
Free chlorine residual Pools 2.0 2.0 - 3.0 Per Label to 10.0
Free chlorine residual, Spas Wading pools and Spray Grounds 3.0 3.0 - 4.0 Per Label to 10.0
Bromine, Pools 2 4.5 - 6.5 Per Label to 22.0
Bromine, Spas Wading pools and Spray Grounds 4 6.5 - 7.5 Per Label to 22.0
Oxidation-reduction Potential (ORP) 650 mV - 900 mV
pH 7.2 7.4 - 7.6 7.8
Cyanuric acid 0 30 - 50 100
Total alkalinity 80 100 - 150 180
Calcium Hardness 150 200 - 300 500
Copper 0 0 0.3
Iron 0 0 0.2
Total dissolved solids: Swimming pools 300 - 2,000 over start
Total dissolved solids: Spa pools 300 - 1,500 over start

REQUIRED SIGNS. All signs shall have clearly legible letters or numbers not less than 4 inches high, unless otherwise noted, fixed to a wall, pole, gate or similar permanent structure in a location visible to all pool users.

No Lifeguard On Duty Sign

No Lifeguard Sign

Where no lifeguard service is provided, a sign shall be posted stating, "NO LIFEGUARD ON DUTY". The sign shall state in letters at least 1 inch (25 mm) high, "Children should not use pool without adult supervision."

Artifical Respiration and CPR Sign

Artificial Respiration and CPR Sign

An illustrated diagram with text at least 1/4 inch high of artificial respiration and CPR procedures shall be posted.

Emergency Sign

Emergency Sign

The emergency telephone number, the number of the nearest emergency services and the name and street address of the pool facility shall be posted.

Pool Capacity Sign

Pool Capacity Sign

A sign shall indicate the maximum number of pool users permitted for each pool. The pool user capacity of a spa pool shall be based on one pool user for every 10 square feet of pool water surface area. The pool user capacity for all other pools shall be based on one pool user for every 20 square feet of pool water surface area. Pool user capacity requirements do not apply to wading pools or spray grounds.

No Diving Sign

No Diving Sign

Signs shall be posted in conspicuous places and shall state, "NO DIVING" at pools with a maximum water depth of 6 feet or less.

Spa Caution Sign

Spa Caution Sign

At every spa, a precaution sign shall be posted with the following language:

Elderly persons, pregnant women, infants and those with health conditions requiring medical care should consult with a physician before entering a spa.

Children should not use spa without adult supervision.

Hot water immersion while under the influence of alcohol, narcotics, drugs or edicines may lead to serious consequences and is not recommended.

Do not use alone.

Long exposure may result in nausea, dizziness or fainting.

Spa Emergency Shut-off Switch Sign

Spa Emergency Shut-off Switch Sign

At every spa which requires an emergency shut-off switch, the switch shall be labeled with a sign stating "Spa Emergency Shut-off Switch".

Keep Closed Sign

Keep Closed Sign

A sign shall be posted on the exterior side of gates and doors leading into the pool enclosure area stating, "KEEP CLOSED".

Diarrhea Notice Sign

Diarrhea Notice Sign

A sign in letters at least 1 inch (25 mm) high and in a language or diagram that is clearly stated shall be posted at a public pool which states that persons having currently active diarrhea or who have had active diarrhea within the previous 14 days shall not be allowed to enter the pool water.

Life Ring

Life Ring

Every swimming pool shall have a life ring at least 17" in diameter which is readily accessible. A 3/16 inch rope equal in length to at least the width of the pool shall be attached to the life ring.

If the pool exceeds 75ft. in length or 50ft. in width, a life ring must be provided at least on two opposing sides of the pool.

Body Hook

Body Hook

Every swimming pool shall have a readily accessible body hook permanently attached to a pole of at least 12 ft. in length.

If the pool exceeds 75ft. in length or 50ft. in width, a body hook must be provided at least on two opposing sides of the pool.

Report a Problem

If you observe code violations or would like to report an issue you may call the call center at (888) 700-9995 or to the Recreational Waters program at (626) 430-5360 or File a Complaint Online. In addition, inquiries can also be emailed to rhealth@ph.lacounty.gov

Contact Us

Monday - Friday
8:00am - 5:00pm

Tel: (626) 430-5360
Fax: (626) 813-3016
Email: rhealth@ph.lacounty.gov

County of Los Angeles Public Health
Environmental Health
Recreational Waters Program
5050 Commerce Drive
Baldwin Park, CA 91706-1423