Is it safe to swim in the ocean?

Yes. The vast majority of ocean waters along the coast of Los Angeles County meet State ocean water quality standards. The only exceptions are areas adjacent to or in front of discharging storm drains and after major rainstorms. Flowing storm drains and areas not meeting standards are posted with warning signs. A rain advisory is issued anytime ocean waters are affected by a rainstorm. On rare occasions when there is a sewage or chemical spill, beaches are posted with closure signs.

Why is runoff from storm drains a problem?

Storm drains direct runoff from urban areas to the ocean. While they do not normally contain sewage, water in storm drains can contain disease-causing pathogens. Depending on the amount of flow, the discharging storm drains can affect ocean water quality several hundred yards from the discharge point. Much greater areas may be affected following major rainstorms.

What are ocean waters tested for?

Ocean water is analyzed for three types of "indicator bacteria": total coliform, fecal coliform or E. coli, and enterococcus. These bacteria can be found in the natural environment as well as in the intestinal tract of warm blooded animals. When present, they indicate the possible presence of disease causing bacteria, viruses or protozoa. When results exceed State standards, beaches are posted with warning signs in the vicinity of the high bacteria counts.

What types of pathogens can be found in runoff?

Organism Disease Symptoms
E. coli Gastroenteritis diarrhea, stomach cramps, fever
Salmonella species Salmonellosis diarrhea, stomach cramps, abdominal pain, nausea, fever, anorexia
Shigella Shigellosis diarrhea, fever, stomach cramps, nausea
Rotavirus Gastroenteritis diarrhea, stomach cramps, nausea
Norwalk virus Gastroenteritis diarrhea, stomach cramps, nausea
Coxsackievirus Respiratory illnesses, meningitis, myocarditis sore throat, cough, sinus infection, fever, earache
Adenovirus Gastroenteritis and respiratory illness diarrhea, stomach cramps, ear/nose/throat infections
Echovirus Respiratory illnesses, meningitis, myocarditis sore throat, cough, sinus infection, fever, earache
Hepatitis A Infectious hepatitis fever, anorexia, nausea, jaundice
Giardia lamblia Giardiasis diarrhea, cramps, weight loss, fatigue
Cryptosporidium Cryptospordiasis diarrhea, stomach cramps, nausea, weight loss
Amebiasis Amebiasis bloody diarrhea, fever, chills

What happens when ocean water does not meet State standards?

When testing indicates that ocean water does not meet State standards, lifeguards are instructed by the Department of Public Health to post warning signs in the affected area. The warning sign indicates that State bacteriological standards have been exceeded and that contact with water in the area may increase the risk of illness to a swimmer. The warning signs are removed after additional testing indicates that bacterial levels have returned to normal levels. If there is a sewage spill or chemical discharge, beaches are immediately closed regardless of the bacteria levels. Beaches are reopened only after testing indicates ocean waters meet State standards.

What can I do to stay safe when swimming in the ocean?

What can I do to help?

Remember, whatever is discharged into the street or on the ground flows to a storm drain and eventually make its way to the ocean.

Report a Problem

If you observe code violations or would like to report an issue you may call the call center at (888) 700-9995 or to the Recreational Waters program at (626) 430-5360 or File a Complaint Online. In addition, inquiries can also be emailed to

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