Title |
Author(s) |
Year |
The differential impacts of COVID-19 mortality on mental health by residential
geographic regions: The Los Angeles Pandemic Surveillance Cohort Study |
Lam CN, Lee R, Soto D, Ho A, Nicholas W, Unger JB, Sood N
Impact of an Elementary School-Based Wellness Initiative on Child Obesity
Prevalence: LiveWell Kids |
Palacios C, Simon P, Steward A, Garner T, Hameed H, Shetgiri R.
Trends in Mortality From COVID-19 and Other Leading Causes of Death Among Latino vs White Individuals in Los Angeles County, 2011-2020 |
Simon P, Ho A, Shah MD, Shetgiri R
Turning the Curve on Obesity Prevalence Among Fifth Graders in the Los Angeles
Unified School District, 2001–2013 |
Kamali A, Hameed H, Shih M, Simon P
Potential Gains in Life Expectancy from Reductions in Leading Causes of Death,
Los Angeles County: a Quantitative Approach to Identify Candidate Diseases for
Prevention and Burden Disparities Elimination |
Ho A, Hameed H, Lee AW, Shih M
Associations between self-perception of weight, food choice intentions, and
consumer response to calorie information: a retrospective investigation of
public health center clients in Los Angeles County before the implementation
of menu-labeling regulation |
Nianogo RA, Kuo T, Smith LV, Arah OA
The Association between Self-Reported Grocery Store Access, Fruit and Vegetable Intake, Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption, and Obesity in a Racially Diverse, Low-Income Population |
Gase LN, DeFosset AR, Smith LV, Kuo T
Self-reported use of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits to
purchase soda in a public health center population: Los Angeles County,
California, 2012. |
Barragan N, Gase L, Butler R, Smith L, Simon P, Kuo T
Neighborhood Food Environment, Diet, and Obesity Among Los Angeles County
Adults, 2011 |
Mejia N, Lightstone, AS, Basurto-Davila R, Morales DM, Sturm R.
The Influence of Gender and Self-Efficacy on Healthy Eating in a Low-Income Urban Population Affected by Structural Changes to the Food Environment
Robles B, Smith LV, Ponce M, Piron J, Kuo T
Sexually Transmitted Infections Among Incarcerated Women: Findings From a Decade of Screening in a Los Angeles County Jail, 2002–2012 |
Javanbakht M, Boudov M, Anderson, LJ, Malek M, Smith LV, Chien M, Guerry S
Prevalence and Factors Associated with Trichomonas vaginalis Infection among
High-risk Women in Los Angeles
Javanbakht M, Stirland A, Stahlman S, Smith LV, Chien M, Torres R, Guerry S
Implications of Trichomonas vaginalis nucleic acid amplification testing on
medical training and practice |
Smith LV, Sorvillo F, Kuo T
Utility of Anthropometric Measures in a Multiethnic Population: Their
Association with Prevalent Diabetes, Hypertension and Other Chronic Disease
Comorbidities |
Tarleton HP, Smith LV, Zhang ZF, Kuo T.
Human echinococcosis mortality in the United States, 1990-2007 |
Bristow BN, Lee S, Shafir S, Sorvillo F
Knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs about seasonal influenza and H1N1
vaccinations in a low-income, public health clinic population |
Redelings MD, Piron J, Smith LV, Chan A, Heinzerling J, Sanchez KM, Bedair D, Ponce M, Kuo T
Why Confidence Intervals Should be Used in Reporting Studies of Complete
Populations |
Redelings MD, Sorvillo F, Smith LV, Greenland S
Burden of Alzheimer's disease-related mortality in the United States, 1999-2008 |
Moschetti K, Cummings PL, Sorvillo F, Kuo T
Coccidioidomycosis-associated Deaths, United States, 1990-2008 |
Huang JY, Bristow B, Shafir S, Sorvillo F
Health of adults in Los Angeles County: findings from the National Health and
Nutrition Examination Survey, 1999-2004 |
Porter KS, Curtin LR, Carroll MD, Li X, Mohadjer L, Shih M, Simon PA, Fielding JE
Amebiasis-Related Mortality among United States Residents, 1990-
2007 |
Gunther J, Shafir S, Bristow B, Sorvillo F
Small Area Estimates Reveal High Cigarette Smoking Prevalence in Low-Income
Cities of Los Angeles County |
Cui Y, Baldwin SB, Lightstone AS, Shih M, Yu H, Teutsch S
Asians and Pacific Islanders and the Growing Childhood Obesity Epidemic |
Shabbir S, Kwan D, Wang MC, Shih M, Simon PA
Knowledge, attitudes and potential response to menu labelling in an urban
public health clinic population |
Piron J, Smith LV, Simon P, Cummings PL, Kuo T
Use of a Self-Assessment Questionnaire for Food Safety Education in the Home
Kitchen - Los Angeles County, California, 2006-2008
Kuo T, Dela Cruz H, Redelings M, Smith LV, Reporter R, Simon PA, Fielding JE, Teutsch S
Current Issues and Considerations Regarding Trichomoniasis and Human
Immunodeficiency Virus in African-Americans |
Shafir SC, Sorvillo F, Smith LV
Readiness and perceived barriers to removing artificial trans-fat from
restaurant menus |
Redelings MD, Piron J, Smith LV, Dela Cruz HS, Takeshita S, Tremaine J, Kuo T
Health-related quality of life among adults with serious
psychological distress and chronic medical conditions |
Shih M, Simon PA
Proximity of fast food restaurants to schools: Do
neighborhood income and type of school matter? |
Simon PA, Kwan D, Angelescu A, Shih M, Fielding JE
Hispanic Paradox |
Ho A, Shih M, Simon P
School-Based Physical Fitness Testing Identifies Large Disparities in Childhood Overweight in Los Angeles |
Lee NE, De AK, Simon PA
Serious Psychological Distress in U.S. Adults with Arthritis |
Shih M, Hootman JM, Strine TW, Chapman DP, Brady TJ
Physical Activity in Men and Women with Arthritis: National Health Interview Survey, 2002 |
Shih M, Hootman JM, Kruger J, Helmick CG
Pressure Ulcers: More Lethal than We Thought? |
Redelings MD, Lee NE, Sorvillo F
Risk factors for Community-Associated Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Skin Infections among HIV-Positive Men who Have Sex with Men |
Lee NE, Taylor MM, Bancroft E, Ruane PJ, Morgan M, McCoy L, Simon PA
Infection control practices for SARS in Lao People's Democratic Republic,
Taiwan, and Thailand: Experience from mobile SARS containment teams, 2003 |
Lee NE, Siriarayapon P, Tappero J, Chen KT, Shuey D, Limpakarnjanarat K, Chavavanich A, Dowell SF; SARS Mobile Response Team Investigators
Outbreaks of Community-Associated Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus
aureus Skin Infections - Los Angeles County, California, 2002-2003 |
Lee NE
Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus
aureus Infections Among Competitive
Sports Participants - Colorado,
Indiana, Pennsylvania, and Los Angeles
County, 2000-2003 |
Gantz N, Harmon H, Handy J, Gershman K, Butwin J, Mascola L, Weltman A, Groner R, Cronquist A, Kainer M, Lee N
Assessing the Burden of Disease and Injury in Los Angeles County Using
Disability-Adjusted Life Years |
Kominski GE, Simon PA, Ho A, Luck J, Yee-Wei L, Fielding JE
The Eradication of Measles from Cuba |
Galindo MA, Santín M, Resik S, Ribas MA, Guzmán M, Mas Lago P, Strassburg M, Hersh BS, de Quadros CA.
Measles Elimination in the Americas. Evolving Strategies |
de Quadros CA, Olivé JM, Hersh BS, Strassburg MA, Henderson DA, Brandling-Bennett D, Alleyne GA.
Alcohol Outlet Density and Its Associations with Alcohol Related Harms in Los
Angeles County |
Guo Q, Shih M, Angelescu A, Kwan D, Hameed H, Lee B, Viernes J
Potential Gains in Life Expectancies from Reductions in Leading Causes of
Death in Los Angeles County |
Hameed H, Lee A, Ho A, Shih M
Community-level childhood obesity prevalence and economic hardship: A county
public health department response. |
Simon P, Shih M
Prevalence of Childhood Obesity Among Asian and Pacific Islander Sub-Ethnic
Groups |
Shabbir S, Kwan D, Shih M, Simon PA
Childhood Obesity and the Built Environment in Los Angeles
County |
Kwan D, Angelescu A, Shih M
Influence of Nativity and Race/Ethnicity on Mortality among Los Angeles County Residents
Ho A, Angelescu A, Kwan D, Shih M, Simon PA
Physical Activity, Physical Function, and Quality-of-life among Adults with Knee Osteoarthritis: Johnston County Osteoarthritis Project |
Hootman JM, Shih M, Helmick CG, Jordan JM, Callahan L
Evaluation of Surveillance for Overweight and Other Physical Fitness Measures Among Los Angeles County School Children |
Lee NE, Simon PA
Prevalence of Overweight Among School Children Using a Statewide Physical
Fitness Testing Program - Los Angeles County, 2001 |
Lee NE, Simon PA
Burden of Disease and Injury Disparities Between Genders; and
Races/Ethnicity measured by Disability Adjusted Life Year (DALY) in Los
Angeles County |
Ho A, Simon P, Strassburg MA, Fielding JE
Use of the Disability Adjusted Life Year (DALY) Measure to Assess Burden
of Disease And Injury in Los Angeles
County |
Ho A, Simon P, Strassburg MA, Fielding JE, Kominski GF, Luck J
Financial Burdens and Disability-Adjusted Life Years in Los Angeles County (Chapter) |
Kominski GF, Simon PA, Ho AY, Fielding JE
Sources of Data (Chapter) |
Drotman DP, Strassburg MA
Measles Eradication Field Guide |
Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)