News Release
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For Immediate Release:

March 28, 2024

Public Health Unveils the 2023 LA County Health Survey Findings

The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health today unveiled the latest LA County Health Survey, which gathers vital data on health behaviors, conditions, neighborhood settings, and the needs of LA County residents, informing future public health policies and programs.

The Los Angeles County Health Survey is a periodic, population-based survey that has been conducted by Public Health since 1997. The survey collects information from adults and children in Los Angeles County on health status, health conditions, health behaviors, social determinants of health, and other topics relevant to community health.

The 2023 Health Survey, the first post pandemic, collected information from 9,372 adults and 7,391 children.

The survey revealed that Black and Latinx adults continue to face disproportionate inequities in health, access to care, housing, and economic security. Both Black and Latinx adults were found to experience poorer health outcomes compared to other racial and ethnic groups. The drivers of these differences include economic and social conditions, shaped by historically racist policies and practices and ongoing injustices, that have unfairly placed Black and Brown communities at higher risk for numerous unhealthy outcomes and behaviors.

Public Health has published a brief report that summarizes key findings from the 2023 LA County Health Survey by race and ethnicity and poverty level.

“The 2023 LA County Health Survey findings confront us with the stark realities of how historical inequities continue to shape the health and well-being of our communities, especially among our Black and Latinx residents,” said Dr. Barbara Ferrer, PhD, MPH, MEd, Director of Public Health. “These disparities are the result of deeply ingrained systemic injustices and policies that have, for too long, marginalized communities, affecting access to care and resources needed for good health. Along with our community partners, Public Health is committed to advancing equity and justice. It's through our collective efforts that we can ensure that every individual, regardless of their background, has the opportunity to live a healthy and fulfilling life."

To learn more about the survey, visit the LACHS website.
