Jet Fuel Release



Spanish FAQ

The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (Public Health) advises residents affected by the recent jet fuel release in Cudahy and surrounding communities to review the following information:

  1. Can exposure to jet fuel cause any negative health effects?

    Contact with jet fuel can cause irritation to the skin, eyes, nose, and throat. These symptoms are generally expected to improve on their own. Be sure to wash any exposed/contaminated clothing separately with regular detergent. If odors remain on clothing after thorough washing, they should be discarded.

  2. Will I have permanent health effects if I was exposed?

    People experiencing mild symptoms are expected to improve on their own. However, if you experience continuing or worsening symptoms, you should contact your medical provider immediately.

  3. Is it safe for my children to go back to school?

    Jet fuel evaporates into the air. However, residual fuel may have remained on some exterior surfaces shortly after the incident. As a precaution, affected school districts commissioned professionals to immediately clean-up all exterior surfaces at impacted schools. Agencies conducting these investigations detected zero residual fuel readings.

  4. Do I need to have my home professionally cleaned?

    LA County Fire conducted air samples overnight after the incident and did not detect jet fuel. The jet fuel is expected to have evaporated from affected areas, and there is no need for additional cleaning at this time.

  5. What should I do if I have a garden or fruit trees?

    Residents with outdoor vegetable gardens and fruit bearing trees are advised to discard all unharvested produce. Fruits and vegetables grown in the future should be safe for consumption, according to our partners at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

  6. I can still smell odors in my home, what should I do?

    If you are smelling odors, it is recommended to open windows and thoroughly ventilate for at least two hours to remove any remaining odors.

  7. Who is investigating the incident?

    Multiple agencies are investigating the incident, including the Fire Department, California Environmental Protection Agency, Public Health, the Federal Aviation Agency, and Delta Airlines. The County of Los Angeles will update the affected communities as more information is known.

  8. I’m feeling anxious about this incident, what can I do?

    It’s normal to feel stress, anxiety, and fear after incidents like this. The County Department of Mental Health has people available to speak with the public 24-hours, 7 days a week. They can be reached at their ACCESS Center, 800-854-7771 or

  9. Are there other agencies I can contact for information?

    Federal Aviation Agency
    Western Regions Operations Center (W-ROC)
    24-hour Accident and Incident Response
    (206) 231-2089

    Cal Environmental Protection Agency
    Local Program Coordination and Emergency Response
    (916) 327-3558

    South Coast Air Quality Management District
    General Number
    (909) 396-2000

    Delta Airlines File Claim
    Individuals and property owners who believe they may have been affected by the jet fuel release
    (800) 441-5955

    Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (DPH)
    non-local number is (800) 339-6993.

Public Health Statement Regarding Jet Fuel Release
Aviso del Departamento de Salud Pública Sobre la Liberación de Combustible de Avión
Update: Public Health Statement Regarding Jet Fuel Release
Aviso de salud pública sobre la liberación de combustible para aviones

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Public Health has made reasonable efforts to provide accurate translation. However, no computerized translation is perfect and is not intended to replace traditional translation methods. If questions arise concerning the accuracy of the information, please refer to the English edition of the website, which is the official version.
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